Yesterday I bought a three-tiered platter, a tea bag plate and a tea cup with roses. I love it, gets me happy on misanthropic days like this one.
I need more tea, I disregarded our collection of tea. We have a lot of flavors. I love white tea, green tea and chocolate tea.
The organic food market offered white and lilac ("purple haze") carrots. I bought lilac ones. Also a lilac kohlrabi. I made this "double rainbow" salad (because it's so colorful) with tomato-chili-miso dressing. Yums. I really love raw corn.
The fair trade store offeres a lot of Zotter chocolates bars. Recently the matcha+sesame drinking chocolate bars turned vegan, but the bars they had in the store still had the old recipe with milk powder. I was a little shocked when I found out they have chocolate bars with bacon oO But they also have a lot of vegan bars, so I got these pretty boys:
mint (70% chocolate), soy chocolate with goji berries and sesame nougat, soy chocolate with sesame, soy chocolate with goji berries (left to right) |
What crazy colorful food do you like?
They look like modern dancers, don't they? |
Have you tried to Zotter green tea soy chocolate bar? Very interesting!