Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Some food I found

This week started with some new foods, and exploring new tastes is probably one of my top 5 things to do.
I had nothing for breakfast yesterday, so I decided to buy some grapes and banana at a discount supermarket. They have some cheap organic food, that I go for when I want to save some money. I met these guys:
Prickly Pears! I've never ate these before as whole fruits. I guess I had some fancy drinks where I doubt that real prickly pears were actually inside. I was hungry so I figured to ate just everything. Later I found out that you should peel them, lol. I liked it anyways. I was happy because they were cheap, even though organic. I thought those were way to exotic to buy, because I try to buy as local as possible (= Europe. I try to buy bananas rarely, but they are so tasty!). But they came from Italy, so it was all perfect.

After work I went some more shopping. I have to watch out, lately I've been shopping a lot. Especially the bathing balls from Lush were really expensive >.<
Düsseldorf has the third largest japanese community in Europe, so of course I love to go shopping in japanese (and korean) stores, too. I love japanese foods. I bought a (big) bag of organic green tea (matcha), because I want to try some nice matcha recipes. The vegan baker inside of me has to go to more challenges (it's my boyfriends and my birthday this month). And I found the first Onigiri Store in Düsseldorf. I knew Onigiri only from japanese festivals or from preparing them myself. They had several fillings, and some vegan ones among them.
I've got huge decision issues (and was kinda hungry), so I bought 3 packages.
shiitake-konbu, akashiso, natto-kimchi (left to right)
Yum, Onigiri is one of the best "fast-food" snacks you can think of (ok, except fruits...). My favorite was shiitake and konbu (mushroom and algae), really savory and flavorful. Akashiso was great, too, because I didn't knew what it was before (it's japanese read leaf aka japanese perilla). They also had black perilla filling and a lot more. The onigiri with natto and kimchi was ok. Although I love natto (fermented soy beans) I think it had a bit of a large role here. Not much kimchi (spicy cabbage) flavor unfortunately. Next time I'm near the japanese district I think I try the other fillings, but I enjoy exploring new flavors with friends the most.
Tomorrow I'll be making a hazelnut ice-cream pie for my boyfriend's birthday (he hates birthdays, so there should be something nice to eat). I hope the result will be tasty and photogenic.

Sunday, September 05, 2010

Rainbows, Roses and Chocolate

Lately I concentrated more on sweets than on anything else. I'm not proud of it. But I realized that my digestion doesn't like this trend. So more clean food will be getting into my tummy.
Yesterday I bought a three-tiered platter, a tea bag plate and a tea cup with roses. I love it, gets me happy on misanthropic days like this one.
I need more tea, I disregarded our collection of tea. We have a lot of flavors. I love white tea, green tea and chocolate tea.
The organic food market offered white and lilac ("purple haze") carrots. I bought lilac ones. Also a lilac kohlrabi. I made this "double rainbow" salad (because it's so colorful) with tomato-chili-miso dressing. Yums. I really love raw corn.
The fair trade store offeres a lot of Zotter chocolates bars. Recently the matcha+sesame drinking chocolate bars turned vegan, but the bars they had in the store still had the old recipe with milk powder. I was a little shocked when I found out they have chocolate bars with bacon oO But they also have a lot of vegan bars, so I got these pretty boys:
mint (70% chocolate), soy chocolate with goji berries and sesame nougat, soy chocolate with sesame, soy chocolate with goji berries (left to right)
Hell yeah, these absolutely hit the spot. I didn't know any of these flavors. I really like sesame chocolate. This week I also tried dark chocolate with sesame from a cute chocolate store in Düsseldorf. Tried lavender chocolate,too, because everything in lilac has to be good. Trust me, I have positive experience with lilac/purple food (kohlrabi, carrots, cabbage, chocolate, rice...).
What crazy colorful food do you like?

They look like modern dancers, don't they?
 At dancing school I registered for Zumba, HipHop and Dance Hall. I'm excited. Happy September to all of you!